Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous)

Civic Centre, Jabalpur, (M.P.), India, +91-0761-2410039,

Registration Form

Read instructions carefully before completing form, double-check data, save copy, adhere to prescribed format, and contact institute for technical problems or any query.


Permanent Address

Temporary Address

 Parent Details

Father's Detail

Mother’s Detail

Guardian's Detail

Academic Info

Sort Detail
Institution / Class
Pass Year
Roll number
Total Marks
Major Subject
* Required
Institution / Class
Pass Year
Roll number
Total Marks
Major Subject
* Required

Profile Pictures


The applicant is responsible for filling out the form correctly, checking for grammatical and spelling issues, submitting any necessary supplementary materials, and retaining a copy of the completed form for their records.

By submitting this admission registration form, I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

                      I certify that my information is true and complete, consent to submitting attachments and proofreading materials, and understand that submitting this application does not guarantee admission. I agree to abide by the institution's rules and regulations and conduct myself in a way that supports its core values. I authorize the institution to assess my application and contact me with its status.